People with passion and understanding

Team.Life Hotel Kaiser

Cooperation as a team, being a family – that describes the work feel in the Hotel Kaiser and affiliated Kaiserlodge. Every day we head out on a journey with our guests and experience wit them the loveliest days of the year. The only difference: we always get to live and work in paradise .

In the morning we give our guests a smile – but not just our guests our work colleagues too. Since we know: Only when we feel good ourselves can we make others feel good too. ‘We want to make people happy’ – that is the maxim of our team and we try to do that each and every day, filled with motivation. The numerous team activities that we do helps make this kaisership possible, helping forge closer bonds. When for instance evening service has been seamless we feel that team building in the Hotel Kaiser has borne fruit. We are all different, yet we always pull on the same string.

How is this evident?

Hotel Kaiser as an employer

Personality and cordiality are what manager Barbara Winkler always puts first. She imparts this feeling to the entire team – and we really do appreciate that! Yet there is even more. We asked our colleagues why they feel so great at work.




Welcome home! We really do want people to feel fantastic here in the Hotel Kaiser.





Apply to work with us. We really look forward to getting to know you. Available positions can be seen here.





Wellness, further training and unlimited fun swimming. Good reasons as to why the Hotel Kaiser is precisely the right employer for you.
